31 Aug 2021 Surprising Moves To Boost Your Credit Score Hopefully you already know the basics of improving and maintaining a good credit score. Pay your bills on time, don’t max out your credit, and keep an eye on your credit report for inaccuracies. However, beyond these basic perennial good habits, there are some other, more surprising ways you can improve your score. For example, […] Share on Facebook Share on Twitter
20 Aug 2021 What Every First-Time Homebuyer Should Know Becoming a homeowner is a big decision. Money Girl explains how to prepare your finances, figure out a budget, work with real estate pros, and even when it’s best to step back and wait to buy a home. THE QUICK AND DIRTY If you have stable income, good credit, and savings for a down payment, […] Share on Facebook Share on Twitter
19 Aug 2021 What to Do If Your Property Taxes Increase in One ... Owning property is the ultimate goal for many of us. However, aspiring homeowners don’t always realize that one cost, property taxes on their home, can go up or down every year. Actions homeowners take such as home improvement to increase the value of the home, can result in a bigger property tax bill. Below, we […] Share on Facebook Share on Twitter
11 Aug 2021 Homeownership: 4 Myths That Mistakenly Hold You Ba... The housing market has been smoking hot in 2021, and many renters are looking into whether or not they can afford to make the leap to homeownership. But some renters are held back by the financial misinformation that’s floating around the internet. The truth is that many of the most commonly cited reasons for avoiding […] Share on Facebook Share on Twitter
21 Jul 2021 HOW TO QUALIFY FOR A CONVENTIONAL 97 LOAN Whether you earn a lower income or are a first-time homebuyer without equity from a previous home, it can be challenging to come up with enough cash for a significant down payment. The good news is that there are programs that limit your down-payment requirement to just 3% without requiring you to get a government-backed […] Share on Facebook Share on Twitter